19th June – Day-time Photography Workshop

On the 3rd Sunday, June 19th, at 7pm at the Discovery Room , Washington Wetlands Centre. Bring your cameras, your memory cards and laptops. Distinguished photographer & SAS member Larry Bedigan will be doing a hands on tutorial on how to take better (day-time) photographs followed by an introduction to Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. Who: Larry…

Astrophotography Competition 2016 – Results

This years astrophotography competition on 15th May 2016 had two main categories Solar System, Deep Sky Three classes of astrophotography for: Beginners, Intermediates. Advanced . The images in all categories were of a very high standard this year and in some cases between the  intermediate and advanced classes the votes separating the winner and runner-up…

Jupiter Nights Events March 2016

18th & 19th March: Jupiter Nights Events

Back by popular demand, Sunderland Astronomical Society and other invited Astronomical Society’s will be running our annual Jupiter Nights events. Dates:Friday 18th & Saturday 19th March 2016. Times: from 7:00 pm. Free Entry (Contributions to Society fundraising nonetheless welcomed). Join local astronomers from across the North East for a fun night of assorted astronomical treats at the Cygnus…