All Access Mount

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All Access Mount

An SAS members & invited guests night

On the 20th November we will be Honoured with the presence of Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson who will do the official opening ceremony of the new “all access” mount we have recent had built.

Please note: This is an SAS members and invited guests only night.

The SAS would like to thank Harry Herron and Dave Beedham who had the initial idea and took it all the way to CAD drawings.

Then the company who manufactured the mount and donated it to the club free of charge. They dont want publicity, so we are honouring their request.

The Newcastle Building Society who gave us a grant of £500 that helped us purchase the telescope. Paul Meade made such a good application to them they granted us the funds.

Again Harry and Dave who got the mount set up.

Finally a big thanks to Dave Ettie who has put in a lot of work behind the scenes and has been the person that has persuaded the Baroness to commission the mount. Thank you.

And anyone else that has helped in this exciting development for the club.

For related Facebook post , see link