Lecture: Seeing through telescopes large and small

About this event :

Images of astronomical objects from ground-based telescopes are blurred by turbulence in the earth’s atmosphere – a phenomenon referred to as “seeing”.

The magnitude of the effect depends on the strength of the turbulence, the size of the telescope and the wavelength at which observations are made.

This talk will discuss how the earth’s atmosphere affects ground-based telescopes of all sizes, how the turbulence strength is measured and some of the methods that can be used to ameliorate its effects.

When Who Where

  • Date:  Sunday 17th March 2019,
  • Time: 7pm.
  • Speaker: Dr Timothy Butterley (Durham University,
    Centre for Advanced Instrumentation)
  • Venue: Will take place at the Cygnus Observatory (WWC Discovery Room).

Our speaker

Dr Tim Butterly is a Research Associate in the Department of Physics


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Your host : Martin Kennedy